Hidden Jews of Poland: Featured Articles

My name is Yehoshua Ellis. I live in Poland where I work as a Rabbi with the local Jewish community, and I've been interested in Ukraine since Putin’s last invasion. I was invigorated by President Volodymyr Zelensky and the mandate he won in 2019. I...

The Jewish community in Lodz, Poland, with Shavei Israel emissary Rabbi Dawid Szychowski, celebrated a very special Tu B’Shevat. The first part was aimed to meet with Polish activists who preserve the Jewish heritage of their town. The participants learnt from Rabbi Dawid about Tu B’Shevat...

On January 16, 2022, on the occasion of Tu B'Shevat, the 15th day of the month of Shevat celebrated as the 'New Year for the Trees', celebrations will be held all over the Jewish world including special 'seders', or organized meals similar to the Passover...

Just in time for Rosh Chodesh (beginning of the month of) Kislev, an updated version of Shavei Israel's Chanukah guide in Polish has been prepared and is being readied for printing and distribution for the Jewish community in Poland. Our emissary, Rabbi Yehoshua Ellis, as...

On the fifth night of Chanukah, Shavei Israel hosted a special Chanukah party for Polish Jews in our Jerusalem Ma'ani Center. The lively group of Polish people, both living in Israel and in Poland, enjoyed the presence and participation of lots of special people including...

This month almost fifty rabbis from across Europe, including Shavei's Rabbi Dawid Szychowski and Rabbi Yehoshua Ellis from Poland, participated in an important seminar organized by the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) in London. The seminar was devoted to the issues of supporting victims of...

In anticipation of Rosh Hashanah, Shavei Israel provided its communities in different parts of the world with nice gifts that helped them to get ready for the holiday. Among them Polish Jews of Lodz, Gdansk and Wroclaw who received brand new machzorim (prayer books) for...

Prior to the outbreak of World War II, Poland was home to more than 3,000,000 Jews. Ninety percent of Polish Jewry was annihilated in the Holocaust, and post-war Communist oppression caused many of Poland’s remaining Jews to flee. Those who stayed often had to hide...

The annual Jewish Culture Festival in Krakow hosted many beautiful and important events intended to preserve the authentic cultural achievements of the local community and share them with the wide audience, One of them was the Ride for the Living - a 60 mile bicycle...