Hidden Jews of Poland: Featured Articles

Shavei Israel communities, along with the rest of the Jewish world, recently celebrated Lag B'Omer - a meaningful and beautiful holiday related to the personality of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, one of the most eminent disciples of Rabbi Akiva and the author of the mystical...

Last week, Shavei Israel communities celebrated the 71st Israel Independence Day and shared with us pictures of their events and activities. Bnei Menashe Lodz, Poland Cali, Colombia Ambato, Ecuador Cagliari, Italy ...

Shosh Chovav, a Shavei Israel volunteer who has previously traveled to Poland to teach Hebrew and strengthen the local Jews' connection to the State of Israel and Jewish tradition, spent Passover with the community of Lodz. As she reported, the program of her trip...

Jewish communities around the globe shared more photos of them preparing for the Passover seder and enjoying the vacation on the intermediate festival days. Here are some highlights of the holiday from different countries and continents! Vysoki, Russia Lodz, Poland Guatemala Honduras Mexico Peru Chile ...

Purim is over, but there cannot be enough beautiful pictures of festive celebrations and creative costumes in Jewish communites all over the world. Just to prolong the holiday feeling, here you go with a new set of photos! Colombia, Barranquilla Colombia, Bogota Colombia, Villavicencio Colombia, Medellin Equador, Guayaquil Equador, Ambato Guatemala Chile, Santiago Venezuela Portugal,...

As Purim is approaching, we're beginning to receive pictures of holiday preparations from our communities all over the world. The first reviews came from the local Talmud Torah of Chile, where children participated in an exciting class devoted to the laws and customs of Purim....

Last week the Jewish community of Gdansk celebrated a very special event - the brit milah of little David Daniel. This was the first Brit Mila in living memory in the community. Among the special guests of the event there were Chief Rabbi of Poland...

Just now, as the fast of Esther is approaching, Rabbi Avi Baumol, Shavei Israel's emissary in Krakow, Poland, published a video of a brief talk he presented to an interfaith conference about the significance of fasting in Judaism. [vc_video link='https://youtu.be/HfLTWzJ4ndM'] ...

Shavei Israel communities, from South America to Eastern Europe, celebrated Tu B'Shevat, known as "The New Year of the Trees", and shared with us some beautiful pictures of people gathering together, learning, partying and planting trees. Here's a brief, but colorful review of these beautiful...