A bar mitzvah boy from Tarapoto, Peru
We’re thrilled to work with the Jews of Tarapoto, Peru, whose origin is the Amazon. In particular, we have just celebrated the bar mitzvah of Baruch Ben-Shachar Pérez, who turned thirteen and is now considered, according to halacha (Jewish law), responsible for his actions. And celebrated it in Israel!
The family shares, “Although it is true that every day is a day of great blessing for us and we thank God for everything, however, the day of the bar mitzvah is a very special day for us as it marks a new chapter in our son’s life and we feel fortunate to have been able to celebrate it as Israeli citizens after our conversion and a long time of yearning to be in the land of Israel.
“As Jews, the future of life is faced in the present with decisions that encompass the future … our future preparing ourselves in the anteroom to be able to enter the Room (the world to come).
“Every step of life within our Jewish identity will always be accompanied by the longing for the continuity of life through generations to come.”
His uncle added, “I want to highlight that my dear nephew, Baruch Ben Shachar, is a young man with exceptional virtues, a young man who reflects the desire to be better every day in a world of Torah.”