VIDEO: Subbotnik Jews in Ukraine

VIDEO: Subbotnik Jews in Ukraine

Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund recently visited the tiny Subbotnik Jewish community in the Ukrainian village of Krivoy Rog. We’ve written about the community here. There are 56 Subbotnik Jews in this eastern Ukranian town, but their isolation has not dampened their enthusiasm or commitment to Judaism, as can be seen in these videos.

Just after Shabbat, Michael recorded community members at a Melave Malka. Here’s a clip of the song V’atah Banim.

The community is also getting in the mood for Pesach, when the song L’shana haba b’Yerushalayim – “Next Year in Jerusalem” –  is traditionally sung. Listen to the Hebrew closely – they’re singing “This Year in Jerusalem.”

The community also sang Hatikva, the Israeli national anthem during Michael Freund’s visit.

And finally, meet Rivka who introduces herself and tells us a little about her background in Hebrew – a real accomplishment in far away Ukraine!

