Kaifeng Jews

In the framework of conferences devoted to various communities around the world that Shavei Israel works with, this week the Ma'ani Center presented a lecture on the Kaifeng Jews of China, with Eran Barzilai as a speaker. In his lecture, Eran who is Shavei's coordinator...

Nachum Segal interviewed Michael Freund, Shavei Israel's Chairman and Founder, about the Bnei Menashe Aliyah and the Jews of Kaifeng, China on live radio in Jerusalem....

Shavei Israel's Maani Center continues with a series of lectures devoted to the history and traditions of various lost and hidden Jewish communities all over the world....

Sarah H. is from USA. She’ll be starting her studies at Columbia University in just a few weeks. Aria Smordin is from Vancouver, Canada. She will be joining the Israel Defense Forces later this fall. But for two weeks this past July, Sarah and Aria...

Shavei Israel Chairman Michael Freund appeared on TBN's "The Watchman" program, where he described to host Erick Stakelbeck the work Shavei Israel is doing to bring home lost tribes and Hidden Jews from around the world. Michael was joined by Yaakov Wang who Shavei Israel...

Just in time for Shavuot, the holiday celebrating the giving of the book that shaped the Jewish people, Shavei Israel is pleased to announce that we have revamped our online bookstore, making it much easier to shop and buy Jewish study materials – for Shavuot...

"When a Chinese person hears that you are Jewish or from the State of Israel, their tendency is to treat you with great wisdom," explains Dr. Yoram Evron from the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Haifa. Read this fascinating interview with Dr....

Over the past two years, a series of disturbing developments has taken place in Kaifeng, China, one that threatens the future of the city's tiny Chinese Jewish community. Inexplicably, certain local authorities have launched what can only be described as a crackdown on any expression...

Gao Yichen, Yue Ting, Li Jing, Li Yuan and Li Chengjin, the five Chinese Jewish women who made aliyah earlier this month with Shavei Israel’s help, are now all settled in and studying at Midreshet Nishmat – the Jeanie Schottenstein Center for Advanced Torah Study...