
Bnei Menashe children sing a heartfelt and beautifully produced rendition of the traditional prayer for the IDF soldiers. Featuring children from the Khovevei Tzion community in Aizawl, Mizoram. Prayer for Members of the Israel Defense Force He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob -...

As part of our  Maani Center programming, with the help and advice of Shaar Binyamin and our dear friend Federico Pipman, representative of Mama Mía 360, this week there was a special personal stories panel called "Tales of Bnei Anousim." We had, as special guests,...

As part of our Ma'ani Center programming, with the aim of preserving, promoting and disseminating the unique heritage and culture of the various communities, we brought a group of 32 people to the Israel Museum under the guidance of our own Edith Blaustein in Spanish....

The Jewish community in Lodz, Poland, with Shavei Israel emissary Rabbi Dawid Szychowski, celebrated a very special Tu B’Shevat. The first part was aimed to meet with Polish activists who preserve the Jewish heritage of their town. The participants learnt from Rabbi Dawid about Tu B’Shevat...

To mark the Knesset’s commemoration of Yom HaAliya, Michael Freund along with twenty Bnei Menashe men and women, were invited to the Knesset by the Minister of Absorption, Penina Tamano-Shata. The Bnei Menashe who attended were all part of the group that made aliya from...

As part of the cutural preservation of lost and hidden Jewish communities at Ma'ani Center (Mercaz Ma'ani), we have multiple exhibits at our Jerusalem center. Currently, we are exhibiting beautiful photos and artifacts of the Bnei Menashe, from northeast India. The objects include musical instruments, clothing,...

A recurring theme among the 'olim' (immigrant) community to Israel is the desire to 'give back' to those who are going through what you yourself have gone through. Ilan Bresler, a financial consultant from Argentina, does just that. Bresler is an entrepreneur with a financial consulting...

Our resident photographer, Laura Ben-David, has taken thousands of photographs of the Bnei Menashe, from India, to Israel, and has presented them to audiences around the world. Her latest exhibit, which tells the story of the Bnei Menashe, was on display at the launch of...

This week a beautiful new photo exhibit opened, at AACI headquarters in Jerusalem, entitled 'Camaraderie.' Among the exhibitors was Laura Ben-David, Shavei's director of marketing and new media. Laura's photos are devoted to the journey of the Bnei Menashe, from northeast India to Israel, and reflected...