coronavirus Tag

As new immigrants to the country, the 257 Bnei Menashe who are at our absorption center at Nordiya (near Netanya) are actively involved in many things such as learning Hebrew, doing their formal conversion to Judaism, and preparing for their new lives in Israel.  As they...

Meet a member of our team who we haven't seen in many months due to the coronavirus pandemic. While we're still missing her, you can get to know Chaya Castillo. Chaya is the coordinator of our Bnei Anousim and Hidden Jews of Poland departments, in...

This week, after a four-month closure due to the novel coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic, houses of worship have begun opening in India, including the Bnei Menashe Khovevei Tzion synagogue in Mizoram. Asriel Pachau, secretary of the Khovevei Tzion community, saw the closure from a positive perspective...

After a lot of changes and adjustments due to the coronavirus situation, including last minute modifications and adaptations, we finally managed to meet with Steven Klein, a professor at Ben Gurion University, and his students, who were on a Jewish cultural trip to several communities...

While the world seemed to grow larger and more distant with the coronavirus pandemic and 'social distancing', technology has helped to bring people closer again. Shavei Israel has been taking advantage of technologies such as Zoom to bring programming to communities around the world. Both...

As we all know, the world is currently grappling with the unprecedented threat posed by the coronavirus and this of course has affected Shavei Israel and its communities around the globe. Our staff and emissaries are continuing to work, albeit remotely, with our lost and...