Bnei Menashe Personal Story: Osher Singsit
My name is Osher Singsit I am 49 years old, married, and my beautiful wife and I have 4 sons and 2 daughters. I served in the Indian army and retired in the year 2011. My younger brother and sister have already settled in Israel and we have not seen them in years and miss them terribly.
My brother Haggai Haomalsom Singsit made Aliyah in 2007, to Maalot. I haven’t seen him in 14 years! I also have yet to meet my nephews, Amiel, born in 2007, and Matan, born in 2010.
My sister Sarah made Aliyah in 2014. My sister Yehudit made Aliyah in 2018. Both of them live in Ma’a lot as well.
With your help and prayers my family will be making aliyah to Eretz Israel this year. My kids are very excited about it. We like India but it is our dreams to make aliyah to Israel and settle there.
We are the children of Menashe, we are lost for many many years and now we want to be re-connected to our roots. So with all your help and prayer we will be fulfilling our dreams and the prophecy of the Prophet. Toda!
You can help Osher Singsit’s family, and other Bnei Menashe like them who are awaiting their aliyah dream! With your help we can make it happen.