Kosher market in Monte do Bispo, Portugal

Kosher market in Monte do Bispo, Portugal

This October, Rabbi Elisha Salas, Shavei Israel’s emissary in Portugal, visited the village of Monte do Bispo. Rabbi Salas delivered a lecture on kashrut in a most unusual place: at the “Mercadinho” festival (“market” in Portuguese), the Monte do Bispo annual autumn event.

Monte do Bispo is a village located 12 km from Belmonte in Castello Branco district, close to Guarrada and Coimbra, two other villages having a rich Jewish past.

The festival, which Rabbi Salas and his students participated in, includes various cultural events and a market presenting local products from the neighboring areas.

Having explained the meaning of kosher products and the laws of kashrut Jewish people observed during all their history, Rabbi Salas took the opportunity to speak about the importance of wise consumption and the quality of the products the food industry uses.

A small exhibition of kosher products brought by Louis Moreau and his family (owners of a kosher store in Belmonte) served as a wonderful illustration to the rabbi’s speech and received a lot of support from his students and other members of the community.

A magnificent and meaningful day!

Article by Abigail Erlich

