
It can be hard to keep up with Rabbi Avi Baumol’s schedule. Shavei Israel’s emissary to Krakow, Poland is even busier this Hanukah, leading and participating in a range of activities for the not-so-Hidden Jews of Poland. Here’s the schedule. If you’ll be in Krakow...

Here are two videos guaranteed to get you clapping your hands. (Almost) live from India, it's the Bnei Menashe kids lighting candles and singing Hanukah songs. Isn't it amazing how different and yet so similar we all are as Jews....

Hanukah was bursting out all over the Shavei Israel Jewish world - communities that Shavei Israel works with have held candle lightings, sung songs, eaten Hanukah donuts and, in general, illuminated the dark December skies with Hanukah joy. Check out this amazing selection of photos...

Rabbi Shmuel Schwartz is Shavei Israel's new emissary to the Subbotnik Jewish community in Beit Shemesh. We have two videos of him leading the community in song in its pre-Hanukah celebrations this week....

Shavei Israel communities around the world are celebrating Hanukah this week with song and candles and sufganiot (Hanukah donuts). Here are two more videos....

We have two Hanukah videos from Belmonte, Portugal where Shavei Israel's emissary Rabbi Elisha Salas led the community in songs for the holiday....

Yishai Tzur is Shavei Israel's new emissary to the Zion Torah Center, a community of 1,500 Torah-observant Christians in Erode, India. Nearly the entire Tzur clan (7 in all) is now in India - including Yishai's wife Tamar, an Israeli gynecologist who will be learning...

Shavei Israel’s director of marketing Laura Ben-David has been on the road for the last two weeks, talking up Shavei Israel’s activities to Jewish communities across the United States. Her speaking engagements took her from New Jersey and Philadelphia to Los Angeles and San Diego,...