Flood relief for the Jewish community in Colombia

Flood relief for the Jewish community in Colombia

As the fast of Tisha B’Av was beginning, relief agencies in Colombia were working overtime attending to various emergencies from unusually heavy rains that led to the evacuation of 66 homes in Bello and the flooding of businesses in Copacabana. The sudden rise flooded nearly 150 homes in the El Cairo and Playa Rica sectors, where some of our Jewish community members were affected.

Since the end of Shabbat, their Rabbis, Hatzalah and community members have been providing emergency support and assistance. Thankfully there was no loss of life, but material losses have not yet been calculated. The affected families, who have made so much effort to join the Jewish people, were left with literally just the clothes they were wearing.

While most of us are too far away to lend a hand toward removing all the mud and debris that came with the water, we at Shavei Israel are turning to you to help provide economic relief to help replace lost belongings (beds, furniture, stove, refrigerator, clothes, shoes, food) and repair homes to make them habitable again.

You can help make a difference. Just click on the button below and select ‘Flood relief in Colombia’ under ‘Choose a Project.’ 


