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I am Agustín Araujo Quiroz, I want to share my story of how I discovered Judaism. To begin all this journey I received as a gift from my father-in-law a Tanakh the book of the Bible. I began to read and be curious to know...

By Rabbi Reuven Tradburks The theme of the Parsha is sacrifices.  Different offerings will be required in a variety of circumstances later in the book of Vayikra.  This parsha outlines the rules of those offerings so that when they come up later, their procedure will be...

Parshat Vayakel-Pekudei by Rabbi Reuven Tradburks This double parsha is the implementation of the building of the Mishkan. We have had 3 parshiot of commands to build the Mishkan. This is the actual construction and assembly. When we have a double parsha, the first parsha will have...

Parshat Tetzave by Rabbi Reuven Tradburks The commandments concerning the special garments of the Cohen Gadol as well as the garments for the regular Cohanim are given.  The Cohanim and the altar are inaugurated in a 7-day inauguration.  The command of the daily offering and of...

Parshat Teruma by Rabbi Reuven Tradburks Teruma has one theme: the instructions to build the Mishkan.  Moshe calls for contributions of materials.  Instructions are given for the construction of: the Aron to house the tablets of the 10 commandments, the table upon which the breads would...

Parshat Mishpatim by Rabbi Reuven Tradburks We begin a new era in the Torah: the Mitzvah era.  In the first 86 verses of the Parsha, there are 51 mitzvot. The bulk of the Parsha is civil law mitzvot.  The end of the Parsha resumes the narrative,...

Rabbi Avraham Latapiat, Shavei Israel emissary in Chile, held a special workshop in the local Talmud Torah (Jewish day school) to explain to children the importance of keeping Shabbat and to teach them to how to prepare homemade Shabbat candles and organize the Shabbat table. [gallery...