Programs about our lost & hidden communities in demand
This past week saw Shavei Israel’s Director of Marketing Laura Ben-David put on a lot of mileage on her car as she traveled to Tel Aviv to speak with Tel Aviv University international students at a student center through the Jeff Seidel Student Center. The very next day she traveled to a huge event hall in Nes Tziyona where she was the guest speaker at the Emunah Women Volunteers’ Luncheon, attended by over 180 people.
What these two very different venues with equally different attendees had in common, were they both had Laura speak the lost and hidden Jewish communities that Shavei Israel works with. Both the students and the Emunah participants were enthralled. Many of them were quite surprised to hear about even the existence of a number of these communities such as the Bnei Menashe and the Kaifeng Jews.
After both programs a number of people came over to Laura asking how they could help and even offering to volunteer. A gratifying experience for all!
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