Bat Mitzvah in Ecuador

Bat Mitzvah in Ecuador

It is always with the greatest of pleasure that we receive joyful stories and photos like these from our communities around the world.

This time we received photos from the mother of Rajel Muñoz Rivadeneira, a bat mitzvah girl from Ambato, Ecuador who celebrated her coming of age with much joy and excitement.

The festivities were attended by Rabbi Nir Koren Rabino of the Jewish community of Ecuador, and his talented wife Rabanit Andy Sued, who made the beautiful cake and snacks.

Rajel’s mother shared how grateful she is to the rabbi and to Shavei Israel for giving so much love and attention to her entire family.

It was a special day indeed in Ambato as friends from the Jewish community of Ecuador came to celebrate making it a very happy day for their whole family, namely Rajel’s father, (Renán) Yaacov Ben Abraham, her mother, Leah Bat Sara, siblings Nahomi, Ribka and Moshe, and, of course, Rajel herself.

Mazal tov!

