Parshat Hashavua Tag

Parshat Vaera is the transition from Divine promises to Divine action.  Responding to Paro’s first refusal at the end of last week’s Parsha, G-d assures Moshe that He will release the Jewish people from slavery and bring them to the land of Israel.  After Moshe’s...

Yitro joins Moshe.  He advises Moshe in delegating to judges.  At Mt. Sinai, G-d offers the Jewish people to be a treasured people.  The Ten Commandments are given at Sinai.  The people quake in response.  1st aliya (18:1-12) Yitro, Moshe’s father-in-law, moved by the exodus from...

Paro pursues, the sea splits, the people sing.  The people traveled and complained for water in Mara, for bread and meat in the Desert of Sin and for water in Refidim.  Amalek attacked and was defeated. 1st aliya (13:17-14:8) G-d guides the Jews in the direction...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks With Parshat Nitzavim we begin 4 very short parshiot that are the conclusion of the Torah. Although this parsha has but 40 verses, the emotional impact is hard to match. The Talmud says that the curses of Parshat Ki Tavo should be read...