Sukkot Tag

One of the fun things about working with Jewish communities around the world is the holidays. Getting a peek into the traditions, culture, variety and style in each unique community reminds us how there really is “70 faces to the Torah…” – and to all...

The holiday of Sukkot is one of fresh air, family and fun. Jewish people all over the world build special outdoor booths or huts in which to eat and even sleep throughout the week-long holiday. The huts, called sukkot, are typically built of locally-found materials and...

As the holiday of Sukkot approaches, Jewish people all over the world are preparing special outdoor booths or huts in which to eat and even sleep throughout the week-long holiday. Many more photos to come, but here's a peek at early preparations.   [flickrstream id="3"]...

Like every year, we receive many images from our communities around the world for every holiday. We're pleased to share a visual experience of the celebrations of Sukkot in our communities from India to Israel! One of the fun things about working with Jewish communities around...

Like many Jews around the world, the Bnei Menashe community of northeastern India are gathering to celebrate Sukkot this week. In their festival prayers, the Bnei Menashe offered a special plea, to fulfill their age-old dream to make Aliyah to Israel during the coming year. “Even...

Like every year, we are happy to share a visual experience of the celebrations of Sukkot in our communities around the world and in Israel! One of the fun things about working with Jewish communities around the world is the holidays. Getting a peek into...

Now that the Sukkot holiday is over, let's take a look at all the wonderful prayer services, parties, celebrations and other beautiful events that happened last week in different parts of the world. From South America to Poland, from Portugal to Russia; Shavei Israel communities...

As every year, we greatly anticipate the flood of photos we will receive as our communities around the world begin their Sukkot preparations. Building their unique 'sukkahs' (temporary dwellings or huts that are decorated and used for the Sukkot holiday) and preparing their four 'species'...

"Sukka hopping" is one of our favorite holiday activities - whether in real life or online. We started with pictures of sukkot in construction, then visited the Bnei Menashe to see their completed Sukkot in India. And now we take a quick trip around the...

During the intermediate days of hol ha-moed Sukkot, Jews around the world traditionally take out a Torah scroll and walk around the room in synagogue while carrying their "arba minim." And that's exactly what the Bnei Menashe did. We have photos from the Sukkot shul...