Machon Miriam: Personal Stories

We wrote about the Bissato family, Yehoshua, 45, Chana, 36, and their daughter Leah, 10, when they arrived in Israel from Caxias do Sul, Brazil. The former pastors' unusual path actually led them away from the teachings they grew up on and onto a path towards...

At the start of Chanukah, Shavei Israel had a guest of honor who gave us a wonderful talk about her personal life and her connection to Judaism. This unique and beautiful person is the famous Spanish-speaking actress Sara Mintz, former student of the Machon Miriam...

As part of our  Maani Center programming, with the help and advice of Shaar Binyamin and our dear friend Federico Pipman, representative of Mama Mía 360, this week there was a special personal stories panel called "Tales of Bnei Anousim." We had, as special guests,...

Yaakov, 45, immigrated to Israel about 3 years ago from Colombia because he decided he wanted to convert after attending Torah lessons and praying in the Magen Abraham Jewish community in Cali, Colombia. He contacted Shavei Israel, which, among other things, helps all those who...

This week Shavei Israel and students from Machon Miriam's conversion program participated in a trip to Hebron organized by the Tiferet organization and the Jerusalem Municipality under the wonderful guidance of Diego Hakohen and Rav Aryeh Natan. The walk began in Mearat Hamachpela (Tomb of the...

We wrote about the Bissato family, Yehoshua, 45, Chana, 36, and their daughter Leah, 10, when they arrived in Israel from Caxias do Sul, Brazil. The former pastors' unusual path actually led them away from the teachings they grew up on and onto a path towards...

Around the time of the holiday of Shavuot, we felt it is the perfect time to celebrate those who convert to Judaism. The Anaya family, from Colombia, made incredible efforts to be part of the Jewish people and are so happy to be living their...

The Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, or, literally, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, is also called Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot, which means 'New Year for the Trees'. Tree planting, fruit eating, special ‘seders’ for the holiday and other celebrations of nature and...

I am Agustín Araujo Quiroz, I want to share my story of how I discovered Judaism. To begin all this journey I received as a gift from my father-in-law a Tanakh the book of the Bible. I began to read and be curious to know...

Nadav and Ruth from Colombia Nadav, 64, and Ruth, 64, from the Jewish Community of Antioquia in Medellin, started a process of conversion with our emissary in Colombia Rav Shimon Yechua, They were converted in Colombia by a Regional Beit Din, and they decided to make their...