Machon Milton

The 8th and 9th plagues occur.  Before the 10th, death of the first born, the mitzvot of Korban Pesach and of Matza are given.  The first-born die.  The Jews are sent out of Egypt.  Mitzvot are given to commemorate the momentous event of the Exodus...

In these challenging times, it is heartening to hear good news and we are happy to have some. Students from all over the world have all chosen to join the Jewish faith and are starting the new session at Machon Milton, the English language Ulpan...

Parshat Vaera is the transition from Divine promises to Divine action.  Responding to Paro’s first refusal at the end of last week’s Parsha, G-d assures Moshe that He will release the Jewish people from slavery and bring them to the land of Israel.  After Moshe’s...

Our Parsha begins with Yaakov fleeing the land of Israel from Esav’s murderous intent and it concludes with his return to the land of Israel.  He dreams as he leaves of a ladder reaching to Heaven with G-d promising that He will bring Yaakov back...

This is the parsha of Yitzchak and Rivka’s life.  Rivka has twins, Esav and Yaakov.  Yaakov buys the birthright from Esav.  Yitzchak goes to Gerar in a famine, is told not to leave the land, digs the wells Avraham dug and renews the pact with...

Our Parsha is the transition from Avraham and Sarah to Yitzchak and Rivka; Sarah dies at the beginning of the parsha, Avraham toward the end.  Avraham buys Maarat Hamachpela where Sarah is buried.  Avraham directs his servant to travel to Avraham’s land to bring a...

The beloved stories of the life of Avraham are found in our Parsha.  Avraham hosts the angels who tell him of the impending birth of Yitzchak to Sarah.  G-d tells Avraham of His intent to destroy Sodom; Avraham pleads on their behalf.  The City of...

The Parsha introduces the Jewish people.  Avraham journeys to the Land of Israel, is promised the land, spends time in Egypt due to a famine, separates from Lot due to their great wealth, and rescues Lot when he is taken captive in war.  Avraham is...

Parshat Noach describes: the destruction of the world through the Flood, Noah and his family, the story of the Tower of Babel and the introduction of Avraham’s family.  The first 2 parshiot in our Torah, Breishit and Noach, are essentially parallel creation stories, or more accurately...

The first 2 parshiot of the Torah, Breishit and Noach span 2,000 years.  They can be viewed as the dawn of mankind.  But in the narrative of the Torah, they must be seen differently.  The Torah has 54 parshiot.  The first 2 describe universal man.  And...