Torah Tag

1st aliya (Vayikra 6:1-11) Instructions are given to the Cohanim: while the offerings must be done during the day, the burning of the fats and limbs continue all night.  In the morning the Cohen shall take some of the ashes from the altar and place...

The theme of the parsha is sacrifices.  Different offerings will be required in a variety of circumstances later in the book of Vayikra.  This parsha outlines the rules of those offerings, so that when they come up later, their procedure will be familiar. The parsha outlines...

While the world seemed to grow larger and more distant with the coronavirus pandemic and 'social distancing', technology has helped to bring people closer again. Shavei Israel has been taking advantage of technologies such as Zoom to bring programming to communities around the world. Both...

Shavei Israel launches a new series of online classes in Russian devoted to the weekly parasha (Torah portion) and to laws and traditions of Judaism. The program is called "Seven minutes of Torah" and the speaker is Rabbi Shlomo Zelig Avrasin. The target audience of...