Subbotnik Jews Tag

We recently shared about the Mashchenko family, Subbotnik Jews who recently came on aliyah. We're happy to say that Lyubov Konchakova is another Subbotnik Jew who just arrived in Israel a few weeks ago, settling in Nof Hagalil. In fact, back in Vysoky, Russia, Konchakova was...

Sergey and Maria Mashchenko and their 10 year old son David, a Subbotnik Jewish family from Vysoky, Russia, have made the journey to their new life in Israel. It was a journey of dedication, commitment and an indomitable spirit. After a brief stop in an...

We're excited that past Shavei Israel emissary Eldad (Artem) Fedorchuk will be reprising his role as emissary for the Subbotnik Jews in Russia!   The Subbotniks were peasants in southern Russia who embraced Jewish practice and converted to Judaism more than 200 years ago under the Czarist...

Shavei Israel: Here’s the latest installment of our historical and ethnographic report about the history of Vysoki, Russia’s biggest location of the community of the Subbotnik Jews who embraced Judaism several centuries ago and continued to keep their Jewish identity during all these years in the...

Matzah is an integral part of the Passover Seder everywhere. Although today this product is easily purchased even in the most distant Jewish communities of the globe, only a few decades ago, not everyone could afford to buy it in sufficient quantities for the holiday....

Shavei Israel: Here's the latest installment of our historical and ethnographic report about the history of Vysoki, Russia’s biggest location of the community of the Subbotnik Jews who embraced Judaism several centuries ago and continued to keep their Jewish identity during all these years in the...

Shavei Israel: We are glad to share an exciting historical and ethnographic report about the history of Vysoki, Russia's biggest location of the community of the Subbotnik Jews who embraced Judaism several centuries ago and continued to keep their Jewish identity during all these years...

This week was very special for Anna Lazarevna Bocharnikova, a Vysoki native who's currently staying in Beit Shemesh with her family. On Tuesday she visited the Kotel (Western Wall) for the first time in her life and enjoyed a wonderful walk on the streets of...

Shavei Israel launches a new series of online classes in Russian devoted to the weekly parasha (Torah portion) and to laws and traditions of Judaism. The program is called "Seven minutes of Torah" and the speaker is Rabbi Shlomo Zelig Avrasin. The target audience of...

The Subbotnik Jews have a delicious and authentic national kitchen based on an interesting combination of culinary traditions of Eastern European Jewish communities and traditional Russian food whose recipes were altered in accordance with the laws of kashrut. We're happy to begin our series of...