Kaifeng Jews Images

Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, a long-time expert on the Jews of Asia, brought a group to visit the Jewish community in Kaifeng, China. Here are some pictures from that visit. The Kaifeng Jews created a special plaque with the luchot habrit - the biblical 10 Commandments...

Last month, Irene Orleansky, an Israeli musician who is traveling around the world making recordings of Jewish music, stopped in Kaifeng. Here are some pictures from the recording session, including several of young Adina Li playing a traditional Chinese instrument, the Gu Zheng. [nggallery id=153]...

During the holiday of L'ag B'Omer, the Kaifeng Jews traveled to the banks of the Yellow River to build and dance around a traditional celebratory bonfire. Here are pictures: [nggallery id=145]Durante la festividad de Lag Baomer, los judíos de Kaifeng viajaron a la costa del Río...

Here's a selection of pictures taken in Kaifeng just before the start of the Passover holiday. Note the yummy gefilte fish and kosher Seder plate! [nggallery id=138]...

In this special photo gallery, we present some of the "faces of Kaifeng" - showcasing this Chinese Jewish community during the recent Purim festival. Notice too the Hebrew texts and learning material on the whiteboard. Inspiring! [nggallery id=127]En esta especial galería, les presentamos algunas de las...