Hidden Jews of Poland (Images)

The kids are cuter than ever at Gan Matanel, the Jewish pre-school and kindergarten run by Miriam Szychowski in Lodz, Poland. Now in its third year, Gan Matanel is the home for a half dozen Jewish children. To kick off the new school year, we have some...

"Sukka hopping" is one of our favorite holiday activities - whether in real life or online. We started with pictures of sukkot in construction, then visited the Bnei Menashe to see their completed Sukkot in India. And now we take a quick trip around the...

We started with India, but let's move west and south now, as we visit check out the sukka building in Krakow Poland and Belmonte Portugal, before jaunting to South America where we see what the Bnei Anousim communities in Colombia and El Salvador are building....

We have pictures from two Polish Jewish communities preparing for the Passover holiday. Watch the burning of the remaining chametz In Lodz, a mock Seder with Jewish children at the Krakow JCC, and Polish Holocaust survivors practicing Ma Nishtanah in advance of the Seder....

The "Hidden Jews" of Poland had a blast this year on Purim. In Lodz, Shavei Israel's emissary Rabbi David Szychowski had the community dancing raucously 'round the bima as the Megillat Esther was read in synagogue....

For our final visit to the magical world of Hanukah, Shavei Israel visits two communities that began in Eastern Europe: the "Hidden Jews" of Poland and the Subbotnik Jews of Russia and Ukraine (and more recently Beit Shemesh). Have you lit your Hanukah candles yet?...

Shavei Israel’s first ever Purim seminar for young Jews from Poland has now wrapped up. The 14 participants had a delightful ten days in Israel…and we have the pictures to prove it. Shavei Israel’s director of marketing and new media Laura Ben David joined the group...