Shavei Israel Tag

By Rav Reuven Tradburks The Parsha begins the conclusion of our Torah. The book of Devarim consists of Moshe’s long speech at the end of his life. His speech is crafted beautifully, a magnum opus of past, present and future. He began with a review of...

Shavei Israel is proud and excited to have appointed a new director-general, Edith Blaustein! While she may be the new director, Edith is not new to Shavei at all. In fact, Edith has been working hard in many aspects of Shavei Israel over the last...

At the Heichal Shlomo Jewish Art Museum in Jerusalem, the exhibition "From Toledo to Jerusalem" has been on display for several weeks, a set of works created by the artist Abraham Kron. Shavei Israel's Ma'ani Center organized a guided tour of the museum so that...

Last week we had the pleasant opportunity to study Torah sources on the fast of Tisha B'Av with Rav Shmuel Kornblit and to take a beautiful walk in the Old City of Jerusalem with Rav Richard Kaufmann, Federico Elian, Velvl Pipman, Eliav Riera, Yosef Toledo...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks 1st aliya (3:23-4:4) I beseeched G-d to allow me to enter the land. He refused: ascend the mountain, gaze at the land that you will not enter. Charge Yehoshua, for he will lead the people. Now, Yisrael Shema, listen to the commandments...

Yaakov, 45, immigrated to Israel about 3 years ago from Colombia because he decided he wanted to convert after attending Torah lessons and praying in the Magen Abraham Jewish community in Cali, Colombia. He contacted Shavei Israel, which, among other things, helps all those who...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks 1st aliya (Bamidbar 19:1-17) Para Aduma: This is the Torah law. Elazar the Cohen shall remove from the camp an unblemished red heifer that has never worked. It is burnt. Cedar, hyssop and red thread shall be burnt with it. The Cohanim...

By Rav Reuven Tradburks The story of the rebellion of Korach parallels the story of the spies from last week. Both are a rejection of the Divine, albeit in the rough and tumble of human dynamics. In the sin of the spies, although G-d promised the...

Parshat Tazria by Rav Reuven Tradburks The next 2 parshiot, Tazria and Metzora are challenging.  Their theme is simple: entry to the Mikdash is restricted for those who are Tamei.  There are a number of situations that render a person Tamei.  The removal of the Tuma...

Parshat Mishpatim We begin a new era in the Torah: the Mitzvah era.  In the first 86 verses of the Parsha, there are 51 mitzvot. The bulk of the parsha is civil law mitzvot.  The end of the parsha resumes the narrative, describing the impending entry...