tu b’shevat Tag

The Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat is literally the 'New Year for the Trees’. Falling out on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, it is a holiday of tree planting, fruit eating, special ‘seders’ for the holiday and other celebrations of nature...

Shavei Israel communities all over the world celebrated Purim this week and we know they had a great time because we have the photos to prove it! In particular, we have received many, many photos and videos from some of our beloved 'emerging' communities throughout Latin...

The Jewish community in Lodz, Poland, with Shavei Israel emissary Rabbi Dawid Szychowski, celebrated a very special Tu B’Shevat. The first part was aimed to meet with Polish activists who preserve the Jewish heritage of their town. The participants learnt from Rabbi Dawid about Tu B’Shevat...

The Jewish holiday of Tu B’Shevat, or, literally, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat, is also called Rosh HaShanah La'Ilanot, which means 'New Year for the Trees'. Tree planting, fruit eating, special ‘seders’ for the holiday and other celebrations of nature and...

Shavei Israel communities all over the world celebrated Purim last week and we know they had a great time because we have the photos to prove it! It may have been somewhat more muted than in years past, but it was joyful and memorable just the...

Shavei Israel communities all over the world celebrated Tu B’Shevat. Known as “The New Year of the Trees”, this year's celebrations, although muted due to coronavirus, were certainly enjoyed. We look forward to the holidays each year, not just to celebrate and enjoy, but to receive...